Sunday Scribblings

ically so simple. Two faces draw near to each other. Lips meet. Tongues brush. You wouldn't think that it could change a person's world.
There have been kisses where I knew that I simply had to have more of the man involved. It was necessary and inevitable that our bodies surrendered to the explosion begun by our lips. There are some kisses which you can simply feel all the way to your toes, kisses that feel like no other, kisses which gleefully shut down the logical part of the brain. Unfortunately, physical chemistry and personal suitability for a relationship don't have to go hand in hand. Some of the best kisses I've ever had were given by men who otherwise were wrong for me. I can't regret those literally breathtaking kisses though or even some of the messes they led me into.
The frog prince knows that there is alchemy in a kiss. What we do not know is what a kiss will make of us. I've transformed from ice maiden to lewd wanton in a single breath. I've also gone from willing explorer to just warm friend. A kiss has made me into an enchantress, an instructor and a naysayer. That's part of the magic. You don't know what it will lead to to or who you can become. I've learned as much about me as I have the people I've kissed. The bloody wonder of it all is that I learned without having to think it through. No analysis was necessary. I just knew more of what was in me and who I could be.
There are times when I would love to cast off this body, not to die, but to exist without the weight and the mess. Then I remember the kiss, any kiss, good or bad, minted or garlicky. I pause and hold my breath as I remember the mystery of breaths shared, and I cherish the deep wisdom of the body. Right now, I can't logically say that I will ever be kissed again. Statistically the odds are against me. I'm staring down a divorce, middle aged, overweight, and attractive to only a select and lucky few. I feel a smile building in my lips though, these lips which have created magic and mayhem, and I know that whatever else my life holds, there will be more kissing.
This entry inspired by Sunday Scribblings.
The artwork is Birthday by Marc Chagall.
Sunday Scribblings, kisses
I like the transformation of a good kiss too. Here's to lots more kissing!
I'm a believer! You describe kissing with such ardor and I know that is a good part of great kisses is looking forward to them.
My favorite SS of the day!
Having gone through a divorce as a middle-aged, overweight woman, I can tell you change is inevitable and kissing very well may follow.
May your kisses hold magic.
hmmmm..I think I remember what it feels like to be kissed....sigh..
I am 15 and completely in love with my boyfriend. Kissing is THE BEST THING EVER!
I was going to say what Jerri said.
Many men love middle aged women. They know what they want and they are not afraid to ask for it. It's a great time to be dating. Trust me. :)
Love that picture.
You KNOW how much I love Chagall. Kiss-kiss!
Hehe - I remember my very first kiss. I was five years old, and the guy kissed me so hard my teeth almost caved in. Then he wanted to kiss me again, and I ran away. Lol
THNX for the kiss
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