Sunday, July 16, 2006

Today's silly quiz

You scored as III - The Empress. The Empress is a maternal symbol. She is the mother figure who loves, nurtures and protects.She will protect you, she will always be there when you are in trouble. When you fall over and graze your knee, the Empress will kiss it better.Yet she is not a weak figure. Her compassion is strength. If her children are threatened she will stop at nothing to protect them. If well aspected in a Tarot spread, the Empress can symbolise security, protection and unconditional love. If badly aspected it can represent over-protectiveness, fear of risk taking and refusal to face the real world.

Which Major Arcana Tarot Card Are You?
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I found this at BiddiesInMyBrain and couldn't resist. I'd say it fits. Now to decide...should I be called Your Majesty or just Great One.


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