Thursday, April 30, 2009

PAD 30

See you around

When conversation
continues, there is no need
for final farewell.

Today is the last day of the Poem A Day Challenge, and the prompt was farewell. I've never seen a haiku with a title before, but this one demanded a title. Originally, this was much, much, much longer, but I enjoy efficiency and leanness in poetry, so I rethought what I was trying to say, and it distilled itself into a haiku.

This challenge has been very good for me. Whenever I lose my creative writing, I lose something important in myself, and I've lost enough this last year. Earlier today, I reread everything I wrote for the PAD challenge. There's some good, there's some really bad, but that's not important. I'm proud that I set out to do this and completed the challenge. As difficult as writing some of these poems has been, I've enjoyed doing this more than I can say. It's helped me feel like me again, and there were times I felt like I was saying something significant.

I can't imagine a writer who doesn't want to be read, and the bulk of the writing that I do is the completely anonymous variety that serves a strictly functional purpose for its reader
. Poetry is far from functional. I think it's important, but it's almost a luxury item. It's the dark chocolate heart in a diet otherwise composed of rice and beans. This blog is a bit of a luxury in my life as well, and knowing that people read it does something wonderful for me. Thank you for hanging in here with me this month.



Blogger Lisa :-] said...

I have SO enjoyed going on this journey with you. It has been a little like seeing a spark rekindle into a flame. I'm proud of you for sticking with this challenge, and enchanted with every poem you've written. Even the ones you think are bad.


April 30, 2009 10:41 PM  
Blogger Theresa Williams said...

Congratulations, Cyn! It's been quite a trip. Hope we can do the November chapbook challenge, too. I look forward to the day when poetry isn't a luxury but a necessity for you: a regular part of your life, like breathing.

April 30, 2009 11:40 PM  
Blogger Gigi said...

I like Haiku for it's spartan, almost childlike purity. When done well, it's a single crystalline teardrop of truth. This was my favorite!

May 02, 2009 11:48 PM  

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