Sunday, September 23, 2007


My name is Cynthia Ann. I've been Cindy, Cindi, Cynthia and Cyn. Ann has always been just some dangling attachment stuck on for adornment. The only time it ever got used was when my mom was really mad. "Cynthia Ann, you get in this house this instant!"

As a child, I never cared for my name. It was just so common. I was always one of a herd of Cindys at school, and most of us were Cindy Anns. One year, there were eight of us in one class, and the teacher numbered us. Since my maiden name came near the beginning of the alphabet, I think I was Cindy #3. I always wanted a name that would allow me to stand out, just not one so different it was weird or ugly. Considering that most of the names in my family are distinctly uneuphonious, I actually got lucky. Cindy was great camouflage though. Like so many things about me, it gave the cover of propriety while I went about doing my own thing.

In the seventies, my sister changed the spelling of my name to Cindi because it was cuter. I obliged by dotting my i's with little circles, and Cindi I stayed for years. There's only one problem with that. Cute just isn't really my thing. Oh, I like a taste of cute every now and then. I draw distinct lines between cute and whimsical and silly and goofy. Those three have much more appeal for me than just cute. Cute is too light, too bland, too sweet. It lacks edge, and I like life with a few sharp corners and nice collection of shadows.

When as an adult, I transitioned to Cynthia, I was truly surprised at how people reacted. Changing a habit of a lifetime is hard for people, and if friends or family called me Cindy, I understood. What got to me was how people who didn't know me would object to my using my proper name. "Oh, you're a CYN-thi-a, not a Cindy" was drawled out in a haughty voice. Did this happen to Jimmy when he became James? Were my hidden smirks over Bill becoming W. Langdon Smith III (not a real person as far as I know) on his law firm letterhead that same presumption that a person changing was mere pretension and snobbery?

I like my name now. Some see it as too formal or pompous. That's their choice. I see it as just having the gravitas of a womanly name. Cynthia literally means "woman of Kynthos." In Greek mythology, Kynthos was the birthplace of Artemis and Apollo, the twins of Leto and Zeus. Leto, hunted down by Hera, Zeus' jealous wife, gave birth first to Artemis, the virgin hunter goddess of the moon. Artemis, then proved just a woman she would be by helping deliver her brother, Apollo, god of the sun. Kynthos has since been another name for the moon, so I am a woman of the moon. How fitting. Though I learned the myths long after my name had taken a firm hold on me, this strikes me as a bit of a chicken and egg appellation. Was I meant to love the moon so? Had it already called me, or did this fixation grow from my name?

When I think about names though, I can never forget that I am adopted, and the odds are that my names were originally entirely different. My mother named me so we would share initials, and I find the idea that I would come to her with two thirds of those initials intact a bit far-fetched. There is part of me that always knows I came very close to being somebody else. Just how different would I be with a different childhood and a different name? What if I had been Candace (Candy) or Bernice (Bernie)? That's a wonderful metaphysical "what if" to ponder.

Especially on a night when the moon is not quite full and we can look at each other as sister and friend.

This entry motivated by Sunday Scribblings.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

::pondering:: Ever since I met you, I have been unable to imagine you as anyone other than "Cynthia"... not "Cindy" and certainly not "Cindi". You have the gravitas, you have the presence - you are *you* and I love you for it. Your depth of voice, your depth of character... all of it points to Cynthia... as does your sense of fun and play, and that wonderful smile.

You and I share a middle name - and the selective use of it when we are in deep, deep trouble. "Ann" has always just seemed to hang there, never meaning much to me... but I have chosen to keep it and not my maiden name as my middle name. Funny thing that. I don't know why. Force of habit, I guess.

I do love your take on Sunday Scribblings, dear. :::hugs:::

September 23, 2007 3:56 PM  
Blogger Cherie said...

Thank You Cynthia for being so honest! I totally relate, sometimes parents just don't think past their baby when naming?

September 23, 2007 5:05 PM  
Blogger Jul said...

When I was a little girl I always wished my Mother had named me Cindy. Instead she named me after my paternal grandmother, Giuliana. Thankfully she opted for the slightly shorter, Americanized spelling of that name and I ended up with Juliann...which eventually was widdled down to Juli, and now finally Jul. It has NEVER been Jules, thank goodness. As an adult I like my name because it sounds like Jewel and that seems like a great name to grow old with

September 23, 2007 5:32 PM  
Blogger Rev.Dulce said...

How cool is that?? Your alternative names happen to be my real name. Grew up as Candy and now am Candace -- since Candy wouldn't have looked very cool on the church sign.

It has been a struggle for my family to adjust but they are doing pretty good.

September 23, 2007 7:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep it up, Cynthia! I like it!

September 24, 2007 12:14 PM  
Blogger Tumblewords: said...

I enjoyed reading your post! Oftentimes, I wonder if there are many women satisfied with their given name. I haven't met any...
Strangely, or maybe not so, my children were given names they didn't like!

September 26, 2007 4:20 PM  
Blogger Tressa said...

I can relate Cynthia. I love my name. Very few people have even heard it before. So its unusual and a bit wierd and so am I. I've never been sure whether I lived up to my name or my name lived up to me. I do know it suits me.


October 01, 2007 9:40 PM  

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